
FLIP denounces killing of journalist Flor Alba Núñez Vargas in Pitalito, Huila

FLIP denounces killing of journalist Flor Alba Núñez Vargas in Pitalito, Huila


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martes, 15 septiembre 2015

FLIP denounces killing of journalist Flor Alba Núñez Vargas in Pitalito, Huila

Two men on a motorcycle grabbed Flor Alba as she was about to enter the station to give the midday broadcast and shot her, according to information FLIP has at the moment.

Hasta el momento se manejan tres posibles hipótesis sobre los móviles del asesinato. La primera es que Flor Alba publicó recientemente - en su cuenta personal de Facebook - fotografías de una banda delincuencial que realizó un atraco en inmediaciones de la Alcaldía de Pitalito.

Right now, there are three posible hypotheses for the assassination. The first is Flor Alba’s recent photos posted on her personal Facebook account of robbery that occurred near city hall.

The second hypothesis points to Flor Alba’s coverage of the electoral process as a reason for her death.

FLIP talked with a variety of sources who indicate the journalist received threats after she published an interview with those implicated in the killing of bull terrier last August.

FLIP underscores that the killing of a journalist is the most extreme form of censorship. Not only does it violate freedom of expression, but it impedes the community’s ability to know the truth about what Flor Alba was reporting. On this matter, the Interamerican Court on Human Rights has said “acts of violence against journalists violate their right to express and share ideas, opinions and information, in addition to violating the rights of citizens and societies in general to find and receive any kind of information or ideas.”

Flor Alba had a degree in Spanish, and was preparing to do a specialization in Communication.

A delegation from FLIP is heading to Pitalito to find out more on Flor Alba’s death.

FLIP stands in solidarity with family and colleagues, and calls on the Attorney General Office to act swiftly. The first hours after such a crime are essential to collecting information and evidence gathered could help capture the authors of the crime.  There have been instances in the past when a slow reaction on the government’s part has created obstacles to pushing forward the investigation.