
Protection Mechanism for Journalists (J-Pro Wiki)

Protection Mechanism for Journalists (J-Pro Wiki)


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jueves, 20 agosto 2015

Protection Mechanism for Journalists (J-Pro Wiki)

This publication is part of the campaign “Journalism in risk”, that joins the Colombian Federation of Journalists (FECOLPER), the Free Press Foundation (FLIP), the Colombian Association of Newspaper Publishers and News Media (Andiarios) and the Reporters Without Borders International Organization (RSF) in one unique voice to demand a comprehensive and effective protection to the journalists in Colombia.

In this link the users can surf through the platform and navigate on each of the different chapters that contain relevant information about the Protection Program which is in English and Spanish. Also, users can make comments that will be taken into account by the FLIP. The next is the chapters list:

  • Violence against the press in Colombia
  • Legal framework for the protection of journalists in Colombia
  • Who are the actors in the protection of journalists?
  • How does the program work?
  • How is risk assessed?
  • What protection measures can be assigned?
  • What are the costs of the Program?
  • Journalists’ testimonies
  • Analysis of the challenges and advances of the Protection Program

J-Pro is a tool developed by the Free Press Foundation (FLIP) with the support of the Independent Journalism Program of the Open Society Foundation (OSF PIJ). The original version of this Wiki was developed by Pedro Vaca, executive director of the FLIP; Jonathan Bock, protection coordinator of the FLIP and Carlos Cortés, ex director of the FLIP. 


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