
Answer to the open letter sent by several journalists to executives and members of the FLIP

Answer to the open letter sent by several journalists to  executives and members of the FLIP


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miércoles, 04 mayo 2016

Answer to the open letter sent by several journalists to executives and members of the FLIP

The FLIP does not intervene in discussions that happen on social networks, except when public officials stigmatize journalists. Thereon the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the OAS stated "the obligation to guarantee the rights of freedom of expression and the personal integrity require that the public officials abstain from realizing declarations that expose journalists and medias workers to a major risk of acts of violence".

The FLIP essentially exists to demand the protection, guarantee and respect of the freedom of expression. Hence our mission is to promote an optimal climate in order that those who exercise journalism could satisfy the right of Colombians to be informed. This mission has been carried out for more than 20 years with probity, regardless of the editorial line or of the type of coverage.

The Executive Director of the FLIP counts on a total autonomy to take positions dealing with the cases it registers and denounces. 

The stance of the FLIP is independent from the personal positions of the members of both instances of governance: Governing Board and Assembly. 

The only spokesmen of the Foundation are the Executive Director and the Governing Board’s presidency. In that sense, any affirmation or action of another person than those who hold the charges previously described would be understable as a position of the FLIP.

Finally we emphasize that any citizen can attend public records and accede to our bylaws, as well as to the conformation of our instances of governance. These documents are in any case consultable in as attached file to this publication.

We hope to have fully answered to the questions consigned in the letter which this article deals with and are always available to attend any type of threat or restriction to the freedom of expression that lay on the mandate of the FLIP.


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