
A call to support freedom of the press and democracy in Colombia

A call to support freedom of the press and democracy in Colombia


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domingo, 29 mayo 2016

A call to support freedom of the press and democracy in Colombia

That the national government, as part of its commitment to guarantee civil liberties, must dispel the existing confusion and instead frankly and openly inform the country on any advances made in finding these journalists, if they are indeed held hostage. The country needs information that’s been officially confirmed about the journalists’ whereabouts.

That the ELN, FARC and EPL, in compliance with the International Human Rights, open up to confirming if the journalists are in their custody or to openly deny that that is the case; or to investigate among their troops. This is their humanitarian obligation, particularly with the FARC and ELN that have a presence in the Catatumbo region, and thus access to expedited communication channels with the national government because of the ongoing peace negotiations. Their silence in this situation signals a disregard for freedom of the press.

That Catatumbo’s social organizations reconsider any action that while intending to facilitate the journalists return, might only make their return more difficult.

That Colombian society defend freedom of the press as a social right to be informed when that right is restrained, goes against democracy, plurality of voices and public debate.

It is contradictory to talk about peace and democracy-building when violations of press freedom, a pillar of democracy, take place.


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