3 resultados para Colombia

Manual de protección para periodistas en frontera

Manual - miércoles, 13 marzo 2019

En marzo de 2018 un equipo periodístico del diario ecuatoriano El Comercio fue secuestrado y posteriormente asesinado por miembros del grupo disidente Frente Óliver Sinisterra en la frontera colombo-ecuatoriana.

Seis meses después sin verdad ni justicia para Efraín, Paúl y Javier

Pronunciamiento - jueves, 25 octubre 2018

Se cumplen seis meses del asesinato del equipo periodístico del diario ecuatoriano El Comercio, conformado por el reportero Javier Ortega, el fotógrafo Paúl Rivas y el conductor Efraín Segarra. El 26 de marzo fueron secuestrados por el grupo residual denominado Frente Oliver Sinisterra en la frontera entre Ecuador y Colombia. El 13 de abril Lenin Moreno, presidente de Ecuador, confirmó el asesinato.

Desde que ocurriera el secuestro, los Gobiernos de los dos países han ocultado información impidiendo establecer con claridad cómo ocurrieron los hechos. La FLIP ha solicitado insistentemente información acerca de los operativos realizados, los canales de liberación y las hipótesis manejadas al Gobierno, en especial al Ministerio de Defensa. Sin embargo, las respuestas han sido evasivas, deficientes y no se han presentado de forma oportuna. La FLIP continuará representando a los familiares de las víctimas en los procesos que se llevan en Colombia y seguirá exigiendo las respuesta por parte del Estado.

Durante estos seis meses una alianza de veinte periodistas investigó los motivos del secuestro y las circunstancias en que Efraín, Paúl y Javier fueron ejecutados. Esta alianza encontró datos y versiones de los hechos que hasta ahora no habían sido conocidos por la opinión pública. Los resultados serán publicados en el especial Frontera cautiva: tras el rastro de los periodistas ejecutados.

La FLIP apoyó el proyecto Frontera Cautiva y acompañó este proceso con rigurosos protocolos de seguridad y con el objetivo de que los reporteros pudieran viajar nuevamente a la zona fronteriza. Para la Fundación resulta fundamental estimular el ejercicio periodístico que investiga e indaga asuntos de tal relevancia social. Además, se hace necesario contrastar las versiones oficiales, que en este caso como en muchos otros, han sido insuficientes.

En otros casos de asesinatos a periodistas en el país, la FLIP ha apoyado proyectos de esta índole. Después del asesinato de Orlando Sierra en 2002, un grupo de periodistas se unió e investigó en Manizales las causas del homicidio. Además, recaudó pruebas que luego fueron utilizadas en la investigación penal. Trece años después el líder político Ferney Tapasco fue condenado por este crimen.

En 2015, la periodista Flor Alba Núñez fue asesinada en Pitalito, Huila. Después de esto, el proyecto Pitalito Sin Censura buscó contar las condiciones en las que el asesinato fue ejecutado y los temas que había denunciado Núñez.

Los resultados de Frontera Cautiva aportan información que esperamos sean tenidos en cuenta por las autoridades colombianas y ecuatorianas en las investigaciones internas que se están realizando y así establecer responsabilidades de actores e individuos. También, es relevante que la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos analice detalladamente el producto como parte de la investigación que está realizando el Equipo de Seguimiento Especial (ESE).

Sumado a lo anterior, es fundamental que esta penosa situación se convierta en un incentivo para mirar las zonas de frontera que tienen especial interés periodístico pero donde no existen garantías para ejercer la reportería.

Aquí puede consultar Frontera Cautiva



FLIP talks before the Inter American Commission on Human Rights to explain Colombia’s problems on freedom of expression

Pronunciamiento - martes, 11 julio 2017

Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) gave a presentation at a hearing held by the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) regarding press freedom in Colombia. During the hearing, FLIP exposed the main difficulties for journalism in the country. The State was represented by functionaries from the General Prosecutor’s Office (GP), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Protection Unit (NPU) and the National Unit for Victim’s Reparation and Attention (NUV). Those entities explained some of the actions that are being undertaken to mitigate some of the problems explained by FLIP.

FLIP’s presentation showed that, although murders of journalists have been reduced in the recent years, there are other problems for press freedom in the country. Between 2016 and the first semester of 2017, FLIP reported 373 cases of attacks against the press. Among those cases are six kidnappings in El Catatumbo region. Despite the favourable progress of the peace process with FARC, other illegal actors like the organized crime and the ELN and EPL guerrillas are violating press freedom in the Colombian regions. FLIP emphasized that the government’s protection mechanism responds to threats instead of preventing them. Moreover, there is no link between NPU’s and GP’s work. NPU’s Director explained that his agency has worked in establishing new protocols and in training its risk assessment analysts.

The Fundation also referred to the high level of impunity in violence against the press: 99,7% and 100% of impunity in murders and threats, respectively. Additionally, the statute of limitations expired in 47,7% of the murder cases. Among other things, the GP explained that it has worked on prioritizing cases, creating context analysis reports and training detectives and prosecutors with support of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the IACHR (SR).

Alongside with these problems, the peace process of FARC has also brought challenges for journalism. FLIP stated that FARC, UN and the Colombian Government give a favourable treatment to mainstream media and to those ones with a positive view of the peace process. The coverage of  special areas for re-location of ex combatants has been difficult to small media and to those who have been critical to the peace process.

FLIP also exposed that the Colombian public servers tend to fail in their basic obligations in the guarantee of a favourable environment for freedom of expression. As an example of that, ten senators from different political parties requested the imprisonment of a journalist during a debate in which the Senate’s Secretary simulated being hit by a camera. Another example is the attitude of current President, Juan Manuel Santos, who usually refers to his past as a journalist in order to criticize the work of journalists. Moreover, during a meeting, Santos invited businessmen to call media outlets to request a more favourable coverage of economic issues.

In the same line, RCN, a radio and TV outlet with critical visions about the government, has been victim of pressures. Recently, a Military court called a journalist of that medium to reveal a source. Additionally, two ex-ministers who are implicated in a corruption scandal have pressured this medium through judiciary means.

Among other situations, FLIP emphasized that the armed forces are one of the main aggressors of the press:  FLIP has received reports of 13 attacks and 12 obstructions to coverage in which those entities are accountable. FLIP also called on the Commission’s attention to the online freedom issues, particularly to the lax surveillance legislation and the one year blocking of a webpage critical to one governmental educative program. Moreover, FLIP referred to its research “Cartographies of information”, which has evaluated the media landscape in 13% of the 31 Colombian regions. This research has showed that at least 83 municipalities don’t have any kind of media. In other places, media are only dedicated to reproduce music. Furthermore, there are places in which the radio stations are owned by the army. A conclusion from that study is that a relevant part of the country is silenced.

The peace process will bring opportunities for improvement. The agreements between FARC and the Colombian government include the allocation of new radio licenses and the development of a normative adjustment in the allocation of public advertisement resources. According to FLIP, there are media that rely 80% on that kind of income sources. Moreover, community media is constantly facing challenges to comply with the broadcasting regulation.

At the end of the hearing, the SR recalled his interest in supporting public policy processes like the proper implementation of issues related with press freedom in the peace agreement. He also expressed his interest in continuing on the training of detectives and prosecutors. Moreover, he recommended to the NPU on the possibility to create special procedures for the protection of journalists in the ex-combatant’s re location areas. One of the Commissioners, Jose de Jesus Orozco, noted the alarming rate of impunity and the need to improve the protection of journalists.

The hearing’s recording can be found below. Click on this link for more information about FLIP.