About FLIP
Who are we?

We defend freedom of expression and promote an optimal climate for those who practice journalism to satisfy the citizens' right to be informed.
By 2030 we project ourselves as a recognized organization known for its ability to influence and promote an optimal climate for people to be informed, consolidating ourselves as a source of information and knowledge related to freedom of expression in Colombia.
Personal Data Protection Policy
This privacy and personal data protection policy (hereinafter, the "Policy") regulates the collection, storage, processing, management and protection of personal data of third parties received by the Foundation for Press Freedom (hereinafter, "FLIP") through the different channels of information collection that FLIP handles in the development of its activities.
FLIP is a non-profit organization incorporated by public deed 1231 of March 11, 1996, identified with NIT 800102745-9 and domiciled at Calle 39 #20-30 in the city of Bogotá D.C., Colombia. The organization systematically monitors press freedom violations in Colombia, develops activities that contribute to the protection of journalists and the media, and promotes the fundamental right to freedom of expression and access to information.
The rights of the owners
FLIP respects the rights of the owners of the personal data it receives through the different means provided for that purpose for the development of its activities. In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of Law 1581 of 2012, the holders of personal data have the right to: -Know, update and rectify their personal data. -Request proof of the authorization granted for the processing of their personal data. -Be informed, upon request, regarding the use that has been made of their personal data. -File before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (hereinafter, "SIC") complaints for violations of the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and other rules that modify, add or complement it. -To revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of your data, when the treatment does not respect the principles, rights and constitutional and legal guarantees. The revocation and/or suppression will proceed when the SIC has determined that the treatment violated the legal or constitutional provisions on personal data. -To access free of charge to your personal data that have been subject to processing. -The processing and type of personal data we collect
FLIP receives personal data, stores it properly and securely and uses it within the purposes of its mission, in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees.
The type of personal data collected and the purposes of the processing will depend on the corresponding database to which the data is incorporated, as shown below.
- FLIP's Communications Dissemination Database FLIP collects personal data from the different people who provide their contact information in order to receive information related to FLIP's mission, such as alerts, communications, bulletins, news, research and calls.
For this database, data such as name, e-mail, telephone, address, place of work and position held are collected.
Database of employees, contractors and suppliers FLIP also processes personal data of its employees, contractors and suppliers in order to comply with the contracts entered into with them and fulfill its legal obligations. For purposes of the above, depending on the subject, FLIP collects personal data such as:
-Name and identification number. -Place and date of birth. -Marital status. -Contact information (address, telephone and e-mail). -Resume. -Occupation. -Information related to social security contributions. -Date of entry and date of retirement. -Type and term of contract. -Work day. -Salary, fees and/or considerations, as the case may be. -General medical, audiometric and optometric reports.
Transfer of personal data to other countries
By accepting this Policy, you expressly agree to the transfer of your data to third countries, when FLIP so requires for the fulfillment of its purposes and the purposes set forth above.
Inquiries and complaints procedure
In case of inquiries and/or claims, the interested party must communicate his/her request clearly and expressly by e-mail to info@flip.org.co, to the physical address Calle 39 # 20-30 and/or to the telephone numbers 4870912 and 3406943.
For the attention of queries and claims, FLIP will apply the procedure established by Law 1581 of 2012.
Requests, queries and claims will be processed by the administrative and financial area of FLIP with the support of the legal team.
Validity of the Privacy Policy
This Policy shall be effective as of 09/13/2018. FLIP reserves the right to modify this policy at any time without prior notice. The modifications will be effective and effective against third parties as of its publication. For purposes of knowing the updated version of this Policy, it is recommended to visit the portal www.flip.org.co