
Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Colombian journalist warned of the third plan to have him killed

On Thursday 22 May 2014 journalist Gonzalo Guillén was warned by agents of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Interpol (Dirección Central de Policía Judicial e Inteligencia, DIJIN) and the District Attorney's Office of “an elaborate plan to have him killed”. The information came from investigators just hours before Guillén and his bodyguards found themselves being followed by two vehicles. 

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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Colombian journalist warned of the third plan to have him killed

On Thursday 22 May 2014 journalist Gonzalo Guillén was warned by agents of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Interpol (Dirección Central de Policía Judicial e Inteligencia, DIJIN) and the District Attorney's Office of “an elaborate plan to have him killed”. The information came from investigators just hours before Guillén and his bodyguards found themselves being followed by two vehicles. 

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Saturday, 03 May 2014

The arrest of Esteban Vanegas in Medellín is arbitrary and attacks against the press freedom

Vanegas was detained while he was covering the protests in which participated workers and students in May 1 of this year in the city of Medellín. According to the information recollected by FLIP, the journalists realized that the police ambush a student’s group while they were making a graphic recording. After that, some of the police members were approached to them, in that moment Vanegas was thrown to the floor and punched until he was carried to the “tanqueta” (tanker)  of the ESMAD (Mobile Riot Squad)  in which he was led to the Prosecution.

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Saturday, 03 May 2014

The arrest of Esteban Vanegas in Medellín is arbitrary and attacks against the press freedom

Vanegas was detained while he was covering the protests in which participated workers and students in May 1 of this year in the city of Medellín. According to the information recollected by FLIP, the journalists realized that the police ambush a student’s group while they were making a graphic recording. After that, some of the police members were approached to them, in that moment Vanegas was thrown to the floor and punched until he was carried to the “tanqueta” (tanker)  of the ESMAD (Mobile Riot Squad)  in which he was led to the Prosecution.

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Thursday, 20 February 2014

Colombian journalist killed seven months after receiving threats

On Wednesday 19 February 2014, Yonni Steven Caicedo was killed while travelling through the Caldas neighbourhood in Buenaventura, Valle de Cauca. Just after 5 p.m., Caicedo, who was 21, was shot by two people while he was on a personal errand. 

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Wednesday, 12 February 2014

'Protests: No guarantees to cover'. Report on the situation of the press in Colombia 2013

The Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP, for its acronym in spanish) published on February 11th their annual report 'Protests: No guarantees to cover', which takes a snapshot of the state of press freedom in Colombia in 2013. This year the FLIP recorded 123 direct attacks against the press, within them some cause particular concern, like the murders of journalist Edinson Molina, in Puerto Berrío (Antioquia), and reporter and speaker José Darío Arenas, in Caicedonia (Valle del Cauca).

Take a look at the report, in Spanish, in the attached document.

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Friday, 15 November 2013

Difficulties for the press in the coverage of the protest

Photograph taken from: Pyramid Magazine (Revista Pirámide)

In Colombia, in 2013, in a 90 days period, more than 40 attacks against journalists covering social protests were recorded. This shows that during the demonstrations, communicators faced several risks, such as being physically assaulted, being arrested, and even being killed.

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Friday, 15 November 2013

Difficulties for the press in the coverage of the protest

Photograph taken from: Pyramid Magazine (Revista Pirámide)

In Colombia, in 2013, in a 90 days period, more than 40 attacks against journalists covering social protests were recorded. This shows that during the demonstrations, communicators faced several risks, such as being physically assaulted, being arrested, and even being killed.

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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Journalists and researchers forced to leave Colombia after repeated death threats

On 16 October 2013, journalist Gonzalo Guillén decided to leave Colombia because of death threats he received. Guillén was one of four people who were the targets of a plan to kill a group of journalists and researchers over investigations they had done. 

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