
Beginning of the project "Strengthening Democracy through Freedom of Expression and Peace Agenda for Journalists in Colombia"

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Beginning of the project "Strengthening Democracy through Freedom of Expression and Peace Agenda for Journalists in Colombia"

From December 1st 2014, the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) starts the execution of the project UDF-COL-13-579 "Strengthening Democracy through Freedom of Expression and Peace Agenda for Journalists in Colombia", funded by The United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF).

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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Colombian journalist attacked and held while investigating human trafficking

FLIP, the Foundation for Press Freedom, condemns the incidents reported by journalist Oscar Castaño Valencia on 10 November while he was investigating cases related to human trafficking. 

Castaño Valencia has worked for the past few months on an investigation into the regulation of prostitution by "combos", criminal groups, in the municipality of Bello, in the Antioquia department. 

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Friday, 03 October 2014

Attorney General confirms Colombian journalist Jineth Bedoya's case constitutes a crime against humanity

On 26 September 2014, the Human Rights Section of the Attorney General's Office confirmed that the May 2000 kidnapping, torture and sexual assault of journalist Jineth Bedoya constitutes a crime against humanity. 

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Friday, 03 October 2014

Attorney General confirms Colombian journalist Jineth Bedoya's case constitutes a crime against humanity

On 26 September 2014, the Human Rights Section of the Attorney General's Office confirmed that the May 2000 kidnapping, torture and sexual assault of journalist Jineth Bedoya constitutes a crime against humanity. 

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Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Colombian journalist refuses to back down after his computers are set on fire

Bogotá, 3 September 2014 


My name is Javier Osuna Sarmiento. I am a journalist and I love this job. I will only stop doing it when I get old, not out of fear of reprisals. 

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Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Colombian journalist refuses to back down after his computers are set on fire

Bogotá, 3 September 2014 


My name is Javier Osuna Sarmiento. I am a journalist and I love this job. I will only stop doing it when I get old, not out of fear of reprisals. 

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Thursday, 14 August 2014

Colombian journalist murdered 15 days after reporting death threats to authorities

The Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) denounces the murder of journalist Luis Carlos Cervantes, which occurred on 12 August 2014 in Tarazá municipality, in the sub-region of Bajo Cauca, Antioquia. 

Luis Carlos Cervantes had been working as a journalist for Morena FM community radio station for five years. Until August 2013, he also worked as a correspondent for Teleantioquia News (Teleantioquia Noticias). 

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Thursday, 14 August 2014

Colombian journalist murdered 15 days after reporting death threats to authorities

The Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) denounces the murder of journalist Luis Carlos Cervantes, which occurred on 12 August 2014 in Tarazá municipality, in the sub-region of Bajo Cauca, Antioquia. 

Luis Carlos Cervantes had been working as a journalist for Morena FM community radio station for five years. Until August 2013, he also worked as a correspondent for Teleantioquia News (Teleantioquia Noticias). 

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Friday, 18 July 2014

Report on press freedom during the 2014 elections

The Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP, for its acronym in spanish) introduces the report on the conditions of press freedom during the 2014 elections, which is a publication that analyzes the problems faced by the press to cover the parliamentary and presidential elections.

Take a look at the report, in Spanish, in the attached document.

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