
Thursday, 20 August 2015

Protection Mechanism for Journalists (J-Pro Wiki)

The Free Press Foundation (FLIP) presents J-Pro, a project that realizes the state and history of the Protection Program of Journalists in Colombia on its 15th anniversary. In this platform, journalists, civil organizations, politics and authorities, national and international, will find a deep explication of the public politic made by the Colombian government.

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Friday, 17 July 2015

Eduardo Estrada Gutiérrez remembered as a leader of San Pablo

Por: Daniela Vidal – Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)

The town of San Pablo, Bolivar woke to celebrate the festivity of the Virgen del Carmen in the early morning of July 16, 2001. And in those early morning hours three bullets killed journalist Eduardo Estrada Gutierrez, and with him, the possibility of a community radio station for a town who lived in the crossfire of an armed conflict.

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Friday, 17 July 2015

Eduardo Estrada Gutiérrez remembered as a leader of San Pablo

Por: Daniela Vidal – Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)

The town of San Pablo, Bolivar woke to celebrate the festivity of the Virgen del Carmen in the early morning of July 16, 2001. And in those early morning hours three bullets killed journalist Eduardo Estrada Gutierrez, and with him, the possibility of a community radio station for a town who lived in the crossfire of an armed conflict.

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Tuesday, 14 July 2015

First public hearing for Jineth Bedoya’s case postponed because of delays with the defense

The Foundation for Freedom of the Press (FLIP) has insistently said cases regarding violence against journalists should not be prolonged. There have been a number of cases where delays in the judicial process have diminished the integrity of the evidence and the time the judge should have to evaluate it.

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Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Mario Prada Díaz, the journalist of Sabana de Torres

By: Laura Puentes - Translated by: Daniela Vidal - Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)

2002 hit the Colombian press hard. The Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) registered 11 killings of journalists. Alvaro Uribe’s government could not stop crimes against the national and international press. Sadly, one county with the most extensive African palm fields, Sabana Torres, Santander witnessed how one of its journalists became another statistic for the Committee to Protect Journalists that placed Colombia as the second most dangerous country in the world to practice journalism.

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Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Mario Prada Díaz, the journalist of Sabana de Torres

By: Laura Puentes - Translated by: Daniela Vidal - Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)

2002 hit the Colombian press hard. The Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) registered 11 killings of journalists. Alvaro Uribe’s government could not stop crimes against the national and international press. Sadly, one county with the most extensive African palm fields, Sabana Torres, Santander witnessed how one of its journalists became another statistic for the Committee to Protect Journalists that placed Colombia as the second most dangerous country in the world to practice journalism.

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Tuesday, 14 July 2015

First public hearing for Jineth Bedoya’s case postponed because of delays with the defense

The Foundation for Freedom of the Press (FLIP) has insistently said cases regarding violence against journalists should not be prolonged. There have been a number of cases where delays in the judicial process have diminished the integrity of the evidence and the time the judge should have to evaluate it.

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Saturday, 11 July 2015

Barrancabermeja journalists receives death threat while covering a local event

The Foundation for Freedom of the Press (FLIP) denounces the threats and aggressions Jose David Martinez, a graphic designer for Barrancabermeja’s press office, received on July 7 in the Lagos del Palmar neighborhood and wants others to be aware of the difficulties the press has covering that part of the city.

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Saturday, 11 July 2015

Barrancabermeja journalists receives death threat while covering a local event

The Foundation for Freedom of the Press (FLIP) denounces the threats and aggressions Jose David Martinez, a graphic designer for Barrancabermeja’s press office, received on July 7 in the Lagos del Palmar neighborhood and wants others to be aware of the difficulties the press has covering that part of the city.

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