
Jineth Bedoya Lima: UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize 2020


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Friday, 01 May 2020

Jineth Bedoya Lima: UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize 2020

Today, April 30, 2020, UNESCO announced that Colombian journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima has been awarded with the Guillermo Cano Press Freedom Prize, 2020 edition.

The UNESCO Guillermo Cano Award is led by the Guillermo Cano Isaza Foundation and Unesco, with the support of the Helsingin Sanomat Foundation and the Namibia Media Trust. It is the highest worldwide recognition in the field of press freedom.

In all its editions, this award has been a tribute to the legacy and courage of Colombian journalist Guillermo Cano Isaza. For 24 years, the award has traveled the world, recognizing courageous journalists who have stood out for their contributions to the defense and promotion of free journalism.

This year, the global award for an outstanding Colombian journalist arrives for the first time to its home country, to highlight journalist Jineth Bedoya, deputy editor of El Tiempo newspaper, director of the No es Hora de Callar (This is no Time to Remain Silent) campaign, defender of women's rights, and champion against impunity for crimes against the press. Jineth is a survivor of the kidnapping, torture and sexual violence she suffered in 2000, when he was part of the judicial newsroom of El Espectador newspaper, the same media that mister Guillermo Cano Isaza led until the last day of his life.

For FLIP, today is an incredibly special and emotional day. We have had the honor of first-hand knowing the rigor and persistence of Jineth Bedoya in the struggle for a free press and against the impunity of her own case. Since 2010, we have supported the judicial representation of her case before the Colombian criminal system and before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, an organization that this year will evaluate the international liability of the Colombian State in her case, that was declared as a crime against humanity since 2012.

We call on the Colombian society to applaud Jineth Bedoya for this well-deserved recognition. Her story and struggle are as inspiring as they are important for a country where violence against women, attacks on the press and censorship continue to be attacks on civil liberties that, unfortunately, exist in Colombia.

“I believe that UNESCO’s Guillermo Cano Award is that: to show the world that voices often are much more powerful than the anger and rage of those who want to silence us”: Jineth Bedoya.

“When I met Jineth, I was struck by her tenacity and courage, but I was also shocked to realize how hard the struggle for justice is. Your story, Jineth, is an example for everyone, to continue to advance in the search for justice without hesitation": Guilherme Canela, advisor on Communication and Information of the UNESCO Office.